Performance and career coaching

At all times in your life you can be at a point where you have to readjust your compass to take the next step in your career. Redefining what your “true north” is in life and at work. Our “career compass” changes with everything we experience, so we sometimes have to take the time to recalibrate. There can be various causes, such as:
Typical issues that you clarify and solve with career coaching. Career coaching helps you to stand still and forces you to analyse questions about yourself, such as:

Based on reflection and insights obtained from a talent scan, personality questionnaire, motivation test and value analysis, you determine realistic development goals and your true north. In our coaching you can not only discover what your talents are, but you will also learn to develop and maximize them within or outside the organization.

The Japanese IKIGAI model can help you start reflecting on these questions. You can “find your Ikigai” if you combine the following four things:

  1. What do you like to do.
  2. What you are good at.
  3. What does the world need.
  4. What you can get paid for.
What does the word "Ikigai" mean?
The Japanese word Ikigai means a lot at the same time. It’s four things put together into one word. We don’t actually have anything like that in English. The “words” that come closest are “finding your reason for existence and resources for a living.” In other words: What does the world need and what is your mission to fulfill it with the utmost joy?